Abstract. It is generally believed that mini black holes decay by emitting elementary particles with a black body energy spectrum. The original calculation lead to the conclusion that about the 90% of the black hole mass is radiated away in the form of photons, neutrinos and light leptons, mainly electrons and muons.With the advent of String Theory, such a scenario must be updated by including new effects coming from the stringy nature of particles and interactions. The main modifications with respect to the original picture of black hole evaporation come from recent developments of non-perturbative String Theory globally referred to as TeVScale Gravity. By taking for granted that black holes can be produced in hadronic collisions, then their decay must take into account that: (i) we live in a D3-Brane embedded into an higher dimensional bulk spacetime; (ii) fundamental interactions, including gravity, are unified at TeV energy scale. Thus, the formal description of the Hawking radiation mechanism has to be extended to the case of more than four spacetime dimensions and include the presence of D-branes. This kind of topological defect in the bulk spacetime fabric acts as a sort of " cosmic fly-paper " trapping Electro-weak Standard Model elementary particles in our (3 + 1)-dimensional universe. Furthermore, unification of fundamental interactions at an energy scale many order of magnitude lower than the Planck energy implies that any kind of fundamental particle, not only leptons, is expected to be emitted.A detailed understanding of the new scenario is instrumental for optimal tuning of detectors at future colliders, where, hopefully, this exciting new physics will be tested.In this article we review higher dimensional black hole decay, considering not only the emission of particles according to Hawking mechanism, but also their near horizon QED/QCD interactions. The ultimate motivation is to build up a phenomenologically reliable scenario, allowing a clear experimental signature of the event.