Therapeutic workshops are commonly used resourse in a large mental health establishments, including in Psychosocial Care Centers. There is no absolute consensus about its definition, but, in general, are developed in groups and offer of some activity that contributes to the reduction of mental suffering and more autonomous daily life. The objective of this study is to understand how service’s users participates in therapeutic workshops and whether this is in line with what the public policies that regulate this strategy recommend. The research was developed in two stages. The first stage was theoretical in virtual place with government documents; the second stage was virtual too, with 8 collaborators who answered to a form in Google forms with questions about sociodemographic data and their own preferences about terapeutic workshops in your treatments. It was noticed that the resource under discussion is important for assistance in mental health to occur in accordance with the determined in government documents and this can be seen in the employees’s reports of their mood, social skills, experiences and expressive capacity were positively modified from engagement in terapeutic workshops.