Variation in the outline and distribution of epithelial cell imprints on the surface of polygnathacean conodont elements ANDREY V. ZHURAVLEV Zhuravlev, A.V. 2001 06 15: Variation in the outline and distribution of epithelial cell imprints on the surface of polygnathacean conodont elements. Lethaia, Vol. 34, pp. 136-142. Oslo. ISSN 0024-1164.The elements of many conodont taxa exhibit a polygonal surface micro-ornamentation. Four main types are recognized (striation, linear texture, regular (idiomorphic) texture and granular texture) and their distribution over the conodont elements of different morphology is considered. The intraspeci c (ontogenetic and ecological) and interspeci c (phylogenetic) causes of the reticulation texture variations are also considered. &Cell imprints, Conodonta, Polygnathacea Andrey V. Zhuravlev [],