Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of dental orthopedic treatment in patients with complete absence of teeth using removable plate prostheses applying integral qualitative and evaluative indicators. The relevance of the study is dictated by the need to improve the quality of orthopedic treatment in patients with complete absence of teeth, through the introduction of new composite materials, the use of which provides high strength of prosthetic structures. For an objective assessment of the effectiveness of dental orthopedic treatment of patients using removable plate prostheses, integral approaches based on the calculation of qualitative and evaluative indicators have been modified.
Materials and methods. In order to improve the quality of orthopedic treatment of patients with complete absence of teeth, a design of a complete removable plate prosthesis with a combined basis and a method of its manufacture based on the use of digital technologies was developed. In the course of the work, the evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment in patients with complete absence of teeth in the long-term follow-up using integral qualitative and evaluative indicators was carried out.
Results. Clinical and laboratory stages of manufacturing a new design combining analog and digital metols were developed and tested. As a result of clinical studies, it was found that the type of construction of a complete removable plate prosthesis does not significantly affect the indicator of the integral assessment of the quality of orthopedic treatment, with the exception of the criterion of the prosthesis integrity.
Conclusions. To conclude, it was found that the type of construction of a complete removable plate prosthesis does not significantly affect the integral assessment of the quality of orthopedic treatment, except for the criterion of the integrity of the prosthesis; the introduction of a composite material based on fiberglass into the design of a combined prosthesis allows to improve the strength properties of the prosthesis basis and increase the performance characteristics of the structure. The use of CAD / CAM technologies provides the possibility of using high-strength composite materials, gives sufficient accuracy in the manufacture of the frame of a combined full removable plate prosthesis. Due to satisfactory physical and mechanical properties, the application of the developed design contributes to the predicted increase in the durability of prostheses.