(ms). -IR (KBr): 1675, 1610cm-'; -'H-NMR (d6-DMSO): 6 (pprn) = 3. 98,4.23 (2s, je 3H), 7.15, 7.98 (2d, je lH, J = 2Hz), 8H), 2H). 207-214 (1984) Sila-Pharmaka, 29 The synthesis of the (2-aminoethyl)diphenylsilanols 3b and 4b is described. The USi pairs l d l W 4 b were tested for atropine-like activity on the isolated guinea-pig ileum. In all cases the USi exchange leads to an increased affinity for the muscarine-sensitive acetylcholine receptor.
2-Amino-6, I O-dimethoxy-5-oxo-4-phenyl-5H-fi~ro