(NA) with different antigenicity. In a new strains of influenza, mutation occurs in the HA and/or NA. Names such as type H1N1 influenza are given according to the type of HA and NA. In a new strain of influenza, new types of HA or NA appear among humans, and the antigenic drift and antigenic shift occur, or the influenza genes pass on from birds to humans. In past fact of research, it was found that the Spanish flu was caused by a hypovirulent H1N1 type derived from the avian flu.There are three reasons why a new strain of influenza is serious.(1) Since a new strain never existed before, no one has immunity. (2) It is highly infectious. It is thought that only an influenza virus that developed the ability for airborne infection causes a pandemic. (3) Since it is an unknown virus, vaccines cannot be made beforehand. Also, as an outstanding characteristic of the Spanish flu, young people developed serious conditions such as systemic infection, multiple organ failure, or a cytokine storm, which is an excessive vital reaction to viral infection. For example, the peak deaths of the Spanish flu occurred in people of ages 24-29. In Japan, there were newspaper headlines that said, "Most productive people were first to fall victims." The patients spread amongst the most productive people that supported society, and they died and paralyzed the social functions. According to the estimates by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, [5] if a pandemic equivalent to the strength of the Spanish flu (2.0 % fatality) occurred, 640 thousand people may die. However, since a mutant virus of subtype H5N1 has 60 % fatality rate, there are estimates that greater damage