A deeply
ingrained assumption in the conventional understanding
and practice of organometallic chemistry is that an unactivated aliphatic
C(sp3)–H bond is less reactive than an aromatic
C(sp2)–H bond within the same molecule given that
they are at positions unbiasedly accessible for activation. Herein,
we demonstrate that a pincer-ligated iridium complex catalyzes intramolecular
dehydrogenative silylation of the unactivated δ-C(sp3)–H (δ to the Si atom) with exclusive site selectivity
over typically more reactive ortho δ-C(sp2)–H bonds. A variety of tertiary hydrosilanes undergo
δ-C(sp3)–H silylation to form 5-membered silolanes,
including chiral silolanes, which can undergo further oxidation to
produce enantiopure β-aryl-substituted 1,4-diols. Combined computational
and experimental studies reveal that the silylation occurs via the
Si–H addition to a 14-electron Ir(I) fragment to give an Ir(III)
silyl hydride complex, which then activates the C(sp3)–H
bond to form a 7-coordinate, 18-electron Ir(V) dihydride silyl intermediate,
followed by sequential reductive elimination of H2 and
silolane. The unprecedented site selectivity is governed by the distortion
energy difference between the rate-determining δ-C(sp3)–H and δ-C(sp2)–H activation, although
the activation at sp2 sites is much more favorable than
sp3 sites by the interaction energy.