Wójcik, E., 2023. Late Silurian-Early De vo nian tuffites from the Ma³opolska and £ysogóry blocks re flect arc-back-arc magmatic ac tiv ity on the south ern mar gin of Laurussia. Geo log i cal Quar terly, 67: 47; https://doi.org/10.7306/gq.1717 Zir con U-Pb dat ing of tuffites within the up per Si lu rian greywackes in the south ern part of the Holy Cross Fold Belt gives a result of 419.91 ±1.7 Ma, which in di cates they are of Pøídolí age. Geo chem i cal stud ies of Pøídolí tuffites from the Ma³opolska Block, an Emsian tuffite from the £ysogóry Block in the Holy Cross Fold Belt and a Pøídolí tuffite from the Bardo Unit in the Cen tral Sudetes in di cate that they were formed in a sim i lar tec tonic set ting re lated to post-orogenic, con ti nen tal arc-back-arc magmatism, de vel oped along the south ern mar gin of Laurussia, cor re lated with the Rhenohercynian Zone. In terms of their geo chem i cal pat tern, the tuffites are sim i lar to the up per Si lu rian-Lower De vo nian ig ne ous rocks in Ger many, Ukraine (Podolia) and Moldova, which were prob a bly formed along the same subduction zone, dur ing an early stage of the con ti nental arc-back-arc mag matic ac tiv ity.