Allylic alcohols and their derivatives (e. g. halides, acetates, and pivalates) are readily available organic compounds that are frequently employed in organic synthesis, and especially in Tsuji-Trost-type allylic substitution reactions. These allylic substrates add oxidatively to transition metals such as Pd to form π-allyl metal species, which can act as suitable electrophiles for several nucleophilic counterparts. However, under reductive conditions, the π-allyl metal species instantly become nucleophilic and react with various electrophiles including the rather stable CO 2 , which is an abundant, inexpensive, non-toxic, and renewable carbon source in organic synthesis. When CO 2 is incorporated in allylic compounds, synthetically useful β,γ-unsaturated carboxylic acid derivatives are obtained exclusively. In this review, we focus on the recent advances in such catalytic umpolung carboxylations of allyl alcohols, acetates, pivalates, and halides with CO 2 under thermal, photochemical, and electrochemical conditions.