Many thousands of research papers have been published on automotive materials over the past five years, focusing primarily on steel, aluminium and magnesium based alloys. Much of the work has not led to commercial applications because, as stated by Miracle, 1 'there is much work between measuring a single attractive property in a single alloy to demonstrating credibility for a particular application'. The studies published are often incomplete and it is common to ignore the fact that welding is an essential component of automobile manufacture. 2 It would not, therefore, make sense to embark on research to create a new automotive sheet material without laying out a strategy for joining that ensures the structural integrity of the car during service. It is not surprising that the highly successful dual phase steels 3 can be welded using resistance spot welding, laser welding and arc welding, 4 and possibly, using friction stir spot welding, 5 although in the latter case, there would need to be a clear technological need since the other methods are well-established and reliable. In contrast, TRIP-assisted steels 6,7 although commercialised, have been less successful due to their relatively poor weldability. This is because TRIP-assisted steels have a large carbon equivalent so that the heat-affected zones of resistance spot welds can reach hardness levels as large as 500 HV. 8 Coated twinning-induced plasticity steels also are problematic to weld due to liquation cracking 9-13 and welds in uncoated TWIP steels can lead to a localised depletion of manganese because of its high vapour pressure. 14