As the emergence of numerous services with similar functions, it is very helpful to recommend personalized services for users, and urgent to accurately predict the QoS(Quality-of-Service) values of Web services. Collaborative Filtering (CF) is a commonly-used method to handle above issues. However, it faces two common issues: data sparsity problem and trustworthiness issue, which greatly reduces its prediction accuracy. To address this problem properly and systematically, we introduce the network embedding learning into the QoS prediction process and propose an improved QoS prediction method based on the reputation-aware network embedding learning. Firstly, a two-phase K-means clustering is adopted to filter untrustworthy users. Next, the reputation of trustworthy users is calculated, and an attributed user-service bipartite network is constructed between trustworthy users and services while considering the user reputation. Then the reputation-aware network embedding is adopted to learn the hidden representations of users. Finally, user-based CF is adopted to predict the unknown QoS values. The experimental results show that our method has a significant improvement in accuracy compared with other methods.