We respond to the comment by Crutchfield, Feldman and Shalizi and that by Binder and Perry, pointing out that there may be many maximum entropies, and therefore "disorders" and "simple complexities". Which ones are appropriate depend on the questions being addressed. "Disorder" is not restricted to be the ratio of a nonequilibrium entropy to the corresponding equilibrium entropy; therefore, "simple complexity" need not vanish for all equiibrium systems, nor must it be nonvanishing for a nonequilibrium system. 05.20.-y, 05.90.+m We are pleased that our contribution on a "simple measure for complexity" [1] (hereafter referred to as SDL) is of sufficient interest to have generated two comments, one by Crutchfield, Feldman and Shalizi [2] (CFS) and another by Binder and Perry [3] (BP). In SDL we proposed∆ ≡ S/S max , Ω ≡ 1 − ∆.(2) as a "simple measure for complexity". α and β are (constant) parameters, S is the Boltzmann-Gibbs-Shannon entropy [4], and S max , the maximum entropy. ∆ was introduced earlier by one of us as a measure for disorder, and Ω is referred to as "order" [5,6]. CFS raise several points: I. Since S max is the equilibrium entropy, ∆ and Γ αβ vanish for all equilibrium systems, and neither can "distinguish between two-dimensional Ising systems at low temperature, high temperature, or the critical temperature . . .