Based on the effects of photonic transitions, we show that a linear, broadband and nonreciprocal on-chip optical isolation can be accomplished by dynamic refractive index modulations. Such scheme allows for on-chip optical isolation using standard CMOS fabrication process. We also show how to use photonic transition to create on-chip tunable resonance with quality factor and resonant separately controllable.
OPTICAL ISOLATION CREATED BY PHOTONIC TRANSITIONSAchieving on-chip optical signal isolation is a fundamental difficulty in integrated photonics [1]. The need to overcome this difficulty, moreover, is becoming increasingly urgent, especially with the emergence of silicon nano-photonics [2][3], which promise to create on-chip optical systems at an unprecedented scale of integration. Until now, there have been no techniques that provide complete on-chip signal isolation using materials or processes that are fundamentally compatible with silicon CMOS process. Based on the effects of photonic transitions [4][5], here we show that a linear, broad-band, and non-reciprocal isolation can be accomplished by spatial-temporal refractive index modulations that simultaneously impart frequency and wavevector shifts during the photonic transition process. We further show that non-reciprocal effect can be accomplished in dynamically-modulated micron-scale ring-resonator structures. This work demonstrates that on-chip isolation can be accomplished with dynamic photonic structures, in standard material systems that are widely used for integrated optoelectronic applications. Figure 1. Schematic of indirect photonic transition in a silicon slab waveguide. (a) Bandstructure of a silicon waveguide. The width of the waveguide is 0.22 m μ . The angular frequency and wavevectors are normalized with respect to a=1 m μ . Red (Blue) dots indicate modes at frequency 1 ω ( 2 ω ) in the first (second) band. The arrows indicate frequency and wavevector shift as induced by a dynamic modulation shown in (b) and (c). (b) Structure of the silicon ( 12.25 s ε = ) waveguide. Modulation is applied to the dark region. (c) The modulation profile at twoInvited Paper Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits XII, edited by Louay A. Eldada, El-Hang Lee, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7605, 76050O ·