For FeNi/FeMn bilayers, the angular dependence of exchange bias shows hysteresis between clockwise and counterclockwise rotations, as a new signature. The hysteresis decreases for thick antiferromagnet layers. Calculations have clearly shown that the orientation of antiferromagnet spins also exhibits hysteresis between clockwise and counterclockwise rotations. This furnishes an interpretation of the macroscopic behavior of the ferromagnetic layer in terms of the thermally driven evolution of the magnetic state of the antiferromagnet layer. 28 degrees for t AFM =10 nm. As shown in Fig. 1(a), H E has almost the same angular dependence for CW and CCW rotations, which will be analyzed below.As discussed below, the results in Fig. 1 are caused by the hysteresis of ADEB. In order to verify this, firstly another CW rotation was measured directly after one cycling of CW and CCW rotations. It is found that the ADEB for the second CW rotation is almost the same as that of the first. Secondly, ∆φ H is shown to be independent of the increment of φ H between neighboring hysteresis loops. Finally, the ADEB of CW and CCW rotations was measured within different φ H regimes. As shown in Fig. 2(a), the angular dependence of m y−AVE is reversible for CW and CCW rotations for small φ H ranges. However, it is irreversible for larger φ H regimes, as shown in Fig. 2(b). Unambiguously, the hysteretic behavior of the ADEB is demonstrated. The hysteresis of the ADEB can be explained qualitatively. Consider a hysteresis loop for the FM layer, i.e.,Calculations show that the average orien- The discrepancy of H E hysteresis between measured ( Fig. 1(a)) and calculated ( Fig. 4(a)) results can be explained as