The Caenorhabditis elegans multiparental experimental evolution (CeMEE) panel is a collection of genomesequenced, cryopreserved recombinant inbred lines useful for mapping the genetic basis and evolution of quantitative traits.We have expanded the resource with new lines and new populations, and here report updated additive and epistatic mapping simulations and the genetic and haplotypic composition of CeMEE version 2. Additive QTL explaining 3% of trait variance are detected with >80% power, and the median detection interval is around the length of a single gene on the highly recombinant chromosome arms. Although CeMEE populations are derived from a long-term evolution experiment, genetic structure is dominated by variation present in the ancestral population and is not obviously associated with phenotypic differentiation. C. elegans provides exceptional experimental advantages for the study of phenotypic evolution. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 KEYWORDS genetic architecture; experimental evolution; quantitative trait; complex trait; QTL; MPP 9 10 Methods 55 Experimental evolution and recombinant inbred lines 56 Building on CeMEE version 1 (Noble et al. 2017), we sequenced 57 (or resequenced to greater depth) an additional 455 recombi-58 nant inbred lines (RILs). Of these, 169 sequenced lines came 59 from three new populations (control androdioecious CA[1-3]100, 60 where [1-3] designates the population replicate), which were 61 evolved from CA[1-3]50 populations for a further 50 generations 62 under our standard experimental evolution conditions (Figure 1). 63 Other RILs come from the already reported populations: A6140, 64 a lab domesticated population derived from the A0 hybrid pop-65 ulation (itself derived by parallel intercrosses among the 16 wild 66 isolates) by 140 generations of experimental evolution (Teotónio 67 et al. 2012); and GA[1,2,4], GT[1,2] and GM[1,3] populations, for 68 androdioecious, trioecious and monoecious populations evolved 69 in gradually increasing NaCl concentrations (Theologidis et al. 70 2014). In brief, our standard laboratory environment involved 71 constant census size controlled by seeding each of 10 plates per 72 population with 1000 swimming synchronized L1 larvae, growth 73 at 20 o C in the presence of excess E. coli, and discrete generations 74 enforced by bleaching of reproductively mature adults at 4 days 75 post seeding (Teotónio et al. 2012). Plates was filled with 28mL 76 of Nematode Growth Medium lite (NGM-lite, US Biological) 77 where NaCl concentration was 25 mM (for A6140 and all CA 78 populations), or supplemented with NaCl reaching a maximum 79 concentration of 305 mM for the GA, GT and GM populations 80 from generation 35 to generation 50 (Theologidis et al. 2014). 81 As before, the new RILs from CA[1-3] were derived by sam-82 pling single hermaphrodites from populations and selfing for 10 83 generations before preparation of genomic DNA and cryopreser-84 vation. The number of RILs derived (sequenced, post-quality 85 control, or currently in cryopreservation but unsequenced)...