This paper describes a framework of e,Qiency monitoring system of fumace area in semiconductor manufacturing factory. One of the primary ol,jectives was to review the eflciency of operator In particular: the system focused on finding the effective qpciency index. Secondary objectives were to provide Wifer per Hour (WPH) data, especially for the newly developed technoloo, and to prepare U protorype for Out of Control Abnormal Procedure (OCAP) warming system. Hth this approach, we establish an effective review system for operator; therefore, improve I O to IS% capaciQ of our key furnace tubes. Now a simple warming system of operator efficiency is ready and starts to install to the otherproduction area.
WTRODUCHONFumace tubes were bottlenecks of our FAB and they are killers of cycle time. Usually, each batch, with 1 to 6 lots of wafers loaded and it takes a long time to process. The batch process time of the same recipe, from the first wafer load in to the last piece mswe out, in different batches of a fumace tube are varied. The experienced supervisor could tell you that it must come from the efficiency lose of operators. Yes, of coiirse, but does it always true? Efficiency of operator is ,:qual to actual output I standard output, but, in real world, it becomes ambiguous when batch size gets irivalved! Operators should not responsible for the batch size, but it is not easy to tell their performance from the production logs.