In the finite-dimensional setting, every Hermitian-symmetric space of compact type is a coadjoint orbit of a finite-dimensional Lie group. It is natural to ask whether every infinite-dimensional Hermitiansymmetric space of compact type, which is a particular example of an Hilbert manifold, is transitively acted upon by a Hilbert Lie group of isometries. In this paper we give the classification of infinitedimensional irreducible Hermitian-symmetric affine coadjoint orbits of L * -groups of compact type using the notion of simple roots of non-compact type. The key step is, given an infinite-dimensional symmetric pair (g, k), where g is a simple L * -algebra and k a subalgebra of g, to construct an increasing sequence of finite-dimensional subalgebras g n of g together with an increasing sequence of finite-dimensional subalgebras k n of k such that g = ∪g n , k = ∪k n , and such that the pairs (g n , k n ) are symmetric. Comparing with the classification of Hermitian-symmetric spaces given by W. Kaup, it follows that any Hermitian-symmetric space of compact type is an affine-coadjoint orbit of an Hilbert Lie group.