The purpose of this paper is to present the main changes introduced by CEN-TC250-SC8 concerning seismic action in the next revision of Eurocode 8, consisting principally of: -Introducing the concept of seismic action class in place of seismicity level.-Anchoring the standard spectrum by its plateau value, S, and its value at 1 s spectral period, S, instead of the PGA.-Introducing, in an informative annex, two European hazard maps, one for S, and one for S, both defined for 475 years return period, based on the ESHM20 hazard model.-Revising the site categorization by introducing the bed rock depth in addition to the shear wave velocity.-Introducing new site amplification factors based on this site categorisation and dependent on input motion level.-Introducing a new spatial model of input motion for bridges and pipelines.-Providing miscellaneous specifications on conventional values of magnitude and strong motion duration, dependence of spectra to damping, …