[1] Predictions are presented for the dynamic spectrum of a coronal type III burst observed at Earth, using a newly developed simulation model and employing realistic electron release and coronal parameters. The spectrum is studied in detail in association with the dynamics of beam and waves in the source. The frequency drift rate, radio flux, brightness temperature, and temporal profile of the type III burst agree semiquantitatively with typical observations. The simulation model is thus viable. Because of strong freefree absorption and scattering-induced damping, the flux of f p emission is significantly lower than that of 2f p emission and is below the lower thresholds of typical radio instruments. Moreover, the f p emission terminates at frequencies higher than the minimum simulated, and the 2f p emission appears to terminate at higher coronal altitudes that are not simulated because of computational limitations. Further simulations indicate that F-H pairs may exist under favorable conditions (e.g., generally, lower levels and larger length scales of the density fluctuations).Citation: Li, B., I. H. Cairns, and P. A. Robinson (2008), Simulations of coronal type III solar radio bursts: 2. Dynamic spectrum for typical parameters,