A detailed stability and bifurcation analysis of spin-polarized vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) is presented. We consider both steady-state and dynamical regimes. In the case of steady-state operation, we carry out a small-signal (asymptotic) stability analysis of the steady-state solutions for a representative set of spin-VCSEL parameters. Compared with full numerical simulation, we show this produces surprisingly accurate results over the whole range of pump ellipticity, and spin-VCSEL bias up to 1.5 times the threshold. We then combine direct numerical integration of the extended spin-flip model and standard continuation technique to examine the underlying dynamics. We find that the spin VCSEL undergoes a period-doubling or quasiperiodic route to chaos as either the pump magnitude or polarization ellipticity is varied. Moreover, we find that different dynamical states can coexist in a finite interval of pump intensity, and observe a hysteresis loop whose width is tunable via the pump polarization. Finally we report a comparison of stability maps in the plane of the pump polarization against pump magnitude produced by categorizing the dynamic output of a spin VCSEL from time-domain simulations, against supercritical bifurcation curves obtained by the standard continuation package AUTO. This helps us better understand the underlying dynamics of the spin VCSELs.