I n Canada, residents in psychiatry training programs sit the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) examination in their last year of training to allow them to obtain their specialist certificate and practise as independent psychiatrists. The RCPSC exam has 2 major components: the written, comprising multiple choice and short-answer questions, and the oral, comprising a long case and 4 half-hour stations. The half-hour stations are designed to examine several CanMEDS roles and competencies (for example, knowledge, the communicator role, and the manager role) in various clinical situations. The long case lasts 1 hour and 45 minutes and comprises, first, a 55-minute (maximum) interview of a psychiatric patient of whom the candidates have no prior knowledge. One examiner is present in the room, and another observes and listens through a 1-way mirror. In the second part of the long case, for which the patient is 480