We review our recent theoretical advances in quantum information and many body physics with cold atoms in various external potential, such as harmonic potential, kagome optical lattice, triangular optical lattice, and honeycomb lattice. The many body physics of cold atom in harmonic potential is investigated in the frame of mean-field Gross-Pitaevskii equation. Then the quantum phase transition and strongly correlated effect of cold atoms in triangular optical lattice, and the interacting Dirac fermions on honeycomb lattice, are investigated by using cluster dynamical mean-field theory and continuous time quantum Monte Carlo method. We also study the quantum spin Hall effect in the kagome optical lattice. Observation of Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) in gases of weakly interacting alkali-metal atoms has stimulated intensive studies of the nonlinear matter waves, where both bright and dark solitons have been observed [1][2][3] and the gap solitons are realized in a optical lattice experimentally [4,5]. Moreover, experimental realization of BECs, in which two (or more) internal states or different atoms can be populated, has stimulated great interests in vector solitons. In real experiments, both amplitude and sign of the scattering length can be modified by utilizing the Feshbach resonance. This technique provides a very promising method for the manipulation of atomic matter waves and the nonlinear excitations in BEC by tuning the interatomic interaction.With the development of the experiments, a new developing technology called optical lattices presents a highly controllable and clean system for studying strongly correlated system, in which the relevant parameter can be adjusted independently [6][7][8][9][10][11]. Optical lattices with different geometrical property can be set up by adjusting the propagation direc-*Corresponding author (email: wmliu@iphy.ac.cn) tions of laser beams, such as triangular [12], honeycomb [13] and optical lattice. The optical lattice system has gradually become a promising platform to simulate and study a lot of quantum phenomena in condensed-matter physics, because almost all parameters of the system can be well controlled.In this article, we review quantum information and many body physics with cold atoms. In Section 1, we consider the many-body physics of BEC in harmonic potential. Section 2 is devoted to investigate the quantum phase transition and strongly correlated effect of cold atoms in triangular optical lattice, and the interacting Dirac fermions on honeycomb lattice. In Section 3, we discuss the quantum spin Hall effect of cold atom in the kagome optical lattice. Finally, we summarize our results.