DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20054284
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Simulating observable comets

Abstract: Context. This is the third of a series of papers on simulating the mechanisms acting currently on the Oort cloud and producing the observed long-period comets. Aims. In this paper we investigate the influence of current stellar perturbers on the Oort cloud of comets under the simultaneous galactic disk tide. We also analyse the past motion of the observed long-period comets under the same dynamical model to verify the widely used definition of dynamically new comets. Methods. The action of nearby stars and the… Show more

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Cited by 37 publications
(75 citation statements)
References 27 publications
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“…Figure 6 (lower left panel) shows that stellar perturbations leading to a significant decrease in q occur in general for injected comets. However, in the Introduction, we referred to the work of Dybczyński (2006), which concluded that none of the observed stars that passed near the Sun in the recent past caused any significant perturbation of the new Oort Cloud comets. To investigate the origin of this apparent conflict, we have to see whether the responsible stars behind the currently observed comets may be hiding from discovery along with most other stars that recently encountered the Sun.…”
Section: Star Detection By Hipparcos and Gaiamentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Figure 6 (lower left panel) shows that stellar perturbations leading to a significant decrease in q occur in general for injected comets. However, in the Introduction, we referred to the work of Dybczyński (2006), which concluded that none of the observed stars that passed near the Sun in the recent past caused any significant perturbation of the new Oort Cloud comets. To investigate the origin of this apparent conflict, we have to see whether the responsible stars behind the currently observed comets may be hiding from discovery along with most other stars that recently encountered the Sun.…”
Section: Star Detection By Hipparcos and Gaiamentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Another way to analyse the process of comet injection was followed by Dybczyński (2001Dybczyński ( , 2006, who took a sample of high-quality original orbits of observed long-period comets, integrating them backward to the previous perihelion passage. In his first paper, he considered only the Galactic tides and found that, while comets with original semi-major axes of a o > 25 000 AU tend to have moved from orbits with q > 15 AU, those with smaller values of a o have not.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Such studies came into their own after 1997 with the publication of the Hipparcos catalogue, which lists the positions, proper motions, and parallaxes of some 120 000 stars. The various studies performed before and since Hipparcos have identified tens of stars which have -or which will -come within 2 pc of the Sun (Matthews 1994;Mülläri & Orlov 1996;García-Sánchez et al 1999, 2001Dybczyński 2006;Bobylev 2010a,b;Jiménez-Torres et al 2011;Bailer-Jones 2015a;Dybczyński & Berski 2015;Mamajek et al 2015;Berski & Dybczyński 2016). One of these articles, Bailer-Jones (2015a, hereafter Paper I), is the precursor to the present work, and was based on the Hipparcos-2 catalogue Full Table 3 is only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/qcat?J/A+A/609/A8 (van Leeuwen 2007) combined with various radial velocity catalogues.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%