Compact representations of fermionic Hamiltonians are necessary to perform calculations on quantum computers that lack error-correction. A fermionic system is typically defined within a subspace of fixed particle number and spin while unnecessary states are projected out of the Hilbert space. We provide a bijective mapping using combinatoric ranking to bijectively map fermion basis states to qubit basis states and express operators in the standard spin representation. We then evaluate compact mapping using the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) with the unitary coupled cluster singles and doubles excitations (UCCSD) ansatz in the compact representation. Compactness is beneficial when the orbital filling is well away from half, and we show at 30 spin orbital H2 calculation with only 8 qubits. We find that the gate depth needed to prepare the compact wavefunction is not much greater than the full configuration space in practice. A notable observation regards the number of calls to the optimizer needed for the compact simulation compared to the full simulation. We find that the compact representation converges faster than the full representation using the ADAM optimizer in all cases. Our analysis demonstrates the effect of compact mapping in practice.