Defect detection is an important part of the manufacturing process of mechanical products. In order to detect the appearance defects quickly and accurately, a method of defect detection for the metal base of TO-can packaged laser diode (metal TO-base) based on the improved You Only Look Once (YOLO) algorithm named YOLO-SO is proposed in this study. Firstly, convolutional block attention mechanism (CBAM) module was added to the convolutional layer of the backbone network. Then, a random-paste-mosaic (RPM) small object data augmentation module was proposed on the basis of Mosaic algorithm in YOLO-V5. Finally, the K-means++ clustering algorithm was applied to reduce the sensitivity to the initial clustering center, making the positioning more accurate and reducing the network loss. The proposed YOLO-SO model was compared with other object detection algorithms such as YOLO-V3, YOLO-V4, and Faster R-CNN. Experimental results demonstrated that the YOLO-SO model reaches 84.0% mAP, 5.5% higher than the original YOLO-V5 algorithm. Moreover, the YOLO-SO model had clear advantages in terms of the smallest weight size and detection speed of 25 FPS. These advantages make the YOLO-SO model more suitable for the real-time detection of metal TO-base appearance defects.