A digital electronic clock stands as a pinnacle of modern timing technology, built on digital circuits that offer precise hour, minute, and second tracking and display capabilities. The evolution of integrated circuits, combined with the ubiquitous application of quartz crystal oscillators, has propelled the digital electronic clock into myriad sectors including science, transportation, and finance. These clocks, appreciated for their precision, clarity, stability, and other attributes, vastly differ from their mechanical predecessors. Absent of mechanical transmission devices, they promise longevity and exact timekeeping. Such digitization serves as the foundational technological support for crafting large machinery and precision tools. Delving into the intricacies of digital electronic clocks and broadening their utilization holds substantial real-world relevance. This discourse employs a top-down hierarchical circuit design approach, segmenting the comprehensive circuit into distinct modules. This method not only streamlines its configuration, rendering it user-friendly and legible, but also ensures that each segmented circuit operates as an autonomous entity. This modularity facilitates smoother simulations and circuit modifications, enhancing adaptability and efficiency.