Reed, Sean and Remenyte-Prescott, Rasa and Rees, Ben (2017) Effect of venepuncture process design on efficiency and failure rates: a simulation model study for secondary care. International Journal of Nursing Studies,[68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82] Access from the University of Nottingham repository: %20design%20on%20efficiency%20and%20failure.pdf
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AbstractBackground: Healthcare aims to deliver good patient outcomes. For many clinical procedures there are multiple alternative task sequences that can be performed. These deviations can influence procedure reliability, efficiency of usage of hospital resources and risk to staff and patient safety. Venepuncture is one of the most common invasive procedures in healthcare. Literature of clinical practice shows evidence of wide variability in the procedure order and the duration of each step, which can depend on attributes, such as patient health, sampling method and staff skills.Objective: To use a computer simulation model based on Petri nets to evaluate the impact on outcomes of commonly practiced deviations from the guideline venepuncture procedure and variations in key dependent variables. The outcomes considered include the probability of successfully obtaining a blood sample and the procedure completion time.Design: A computer simulation model was constructed using the Petri net technique which mimics the different variations of the venepuncture procedure. Qualitative and quantitative data for the model was collected from the literature and through interviews and questionnaire responses from doctors and phlebotomists. Statistics on the reliability and duration for different variations were then calculated from the model output.Setting: A digital laboratory to model venepuncture in secondary care.Results: The model showed that the common practice of applying the tourniquet prior to vein identification and releasing it after sample tubes are filled may result in a ten-fold increase in sample haemolysis, compared to the recommended guideline procedure. Equipment la...