When developing approaches according to innovative development of the timber industry enterprises, it is necessary to consider the strategy of innovative development of the production direction within its spatial and social and economic features. The system of assessment of indicators criteria has to contain the necessary indicators considering all levels of development of the enterprise before its functioning in world economic relationship. In the applied system of assessment of innovative development of the timber industry enterprises the available financial statistics and their updated data obtained on the basis of the offered new approaches to calculations have to be used. Each innovative process has to be in a condition of continuous development. During change of one process, another and some other change, i.e. the processes to some extent are interconnected among themselves. In certain cases ecologic-economic events seldom develop in an individual order, they have to form complexity of processes where the independent impact of each process on others, on degree of their hierarchy comes to light. During research of influence of a number of factors on one productive process, application of the analysis on the basis of a correlation and regression method with creation of the regression equations is possible. In this method interdependence of factors is considered; therefore, influence of each factor on this or that process is represented in more detail. In a correlation and regression method direct influence of a factor on a productive indicator, indirect influence of group of factors and influence of all set of factors on a productive indicator are considered.