Subshifts of finite type are sets of colorings of the plane defined by local constraints. They can be seen as a discretization of continuous dynamical systems. We investigate here the hardness of deciding factorization, conjugacy and embedding of subshifts in dimensions d > 1 for subshifts of finite type and sofic shifts and in dimensions d ≥ 1 for effective shifts. In particular, we prove that the conjugacy, factorization and embedding problems are 0 3 -complete for sofic and effective subshifts and that they are 0 1 -complete for SFTs, except for factorization which is also 0 3 -complete.A d-dimensional subshift is the set of colorings of Z d by a finite set of colors in which a family of forbidden patterns never appear. These are shift-invariant spaces, hence the name. If the family of forbidden patterns is finite, then it is a subshift of finite type (SFT). If the family of forbidden patterns is recursively enumerable, then the subshift is called effective. Another class of subshifts can be defined by the help of local maps, namely the class of sofic shifts: they are the letter by letter projections of SFTs.One can also see SFTs as tilings of Z d , and in dimension 2 they are equivalent to the usual notion of tilings introduced by Wang [17]. Subshifts are a way to discretize continuous dynamical systems: if X is a compact space and φ : X → X a continuous map, we can partition X in a finite number of parts A = {1, . . . , n} and transform the orbit of a pointConjugacy is the right notion of isomorphism between subshifts, and plays a major role in their study: when two subshifts are conjugate they code each other and hence have the same dynamical properties. Conjugacy is an equivalence relation and allows to separate SFTs into equivalence classes. Deciding whether two SFTs are conjugate is called the classification problem. It is a long standing open problem in dimension one [5], although has been proved decidable in the particular case of one-sided SFTs on N, see [18]. It has been known for a long time that in higher dimensions the problem is undecidable when given two SFTs, since it can be reduced to the emptiness problem which is 0 1 -complete [2]. However, ✩ This work was sponsored by grants ANR-09-BLAN-0164, EQINOCS ANR 11 BS02 004 03, TARMAC ANR 12 BS02 007 01.we prove here a slightly stronger result: even by fixing the class in advance, it is still undecidable to decide whether some given SFT belongs to it:Theorem 0.1. For any fixed SFT X, given some SFT Y as an input, it is 0 1 -complete to decide whether X and Y are conjugate (resp. equal).As for the classes of sofic and effective shifts, the complexity is higher:Theorem 0.2. Given two sofic/effective shifts X, Y , it is 0 2 -complete to decide whether X and Y are equal.Theorem 0.3. Given two sofic/effective subshifts X, Y , it is 0 3 -complete to decide whether X and Y are conjugate.An interesting open question for higher dimension that would probably help solve the one dimensional problem would be is conjugacy of subshifts decidable when provided an ...