The issue of zero-emission mobility is one of the most topical, the electric vehicle market being in a continuous growth, which led to the development of new charging technologies. Unfortunately, limiting the autonomy of vehicles is a major problem, which can be solved, in a first phase, by developing fast charging technologies and developing an adequate infrastructure to serve the end user. This article comes in support of those mentioned, highlighting the limitations of the existing methods and proposing the design and development of a closed-loop DC-DC buck converter based battery charger for charging a plug-in electric vehicle using the constant-current and constant-voltage (CCCV) charging scheme. The motivation that led to the approach of this topic is presented in the introductory part, with emphasis on the extreme phenomena resulting from global warming, with direct involvement of the factors that lead to the burning and consumption of fossil fuels. The second chapter, very detailed and comprehensive, is dedicated to Three-phase Controlled Rectifier, starting with topologies, deepening the mathematical model, adopting the Voltage Oriented Control (VOC) strategy to control the three phase rectifier based on high performance direct-quadrature-coordinate controllers, ending with overall rectifier simulation, using MatLAB Simulink. The third chapter actually presents the simulation part, with emphasis on the related diagrams, presentation of parameters, highlighting the battery charge controller for CCCV charging and presentation of the final results. The final part is dedicated to the practical application itself, comprehensive and clear, as well as the whole work.