Computer-Aided SeleCtion of the StAbiliSing SyStem pArAmeterS of the mobile trAnSport And ASSembly mAnipulAtor in mining exCAvAtionSShifting masses in a confined space in the company of other machines and devices, which limits the manoeuvring and transport area, poses a significant problem in every field of industry, especially with underground mining. the works involved in transporting and manoeuvring masses in underground workings are challenging and are most often performed using various auxiliary machines or manually. hence the need arose to develop a device carrying out activities related to the shifting of masses with the assumed maximum value. the device was created as a result of cooperation between fAMA sp. z o.o. and the AGh university of Science and technology in Kraków, poland. the mining modular transport and assembly unit (Mzt-M) enables assembling and transporting various masses, especially the elements of the roadway support in the face. the primary function of this device is its movement in the excavation along with the transported mass and delivering it to a specific place. therefore, an important issue is to ensure the module's stability in different phases of its operation (lifting, transport, manoeuvring, feeding, lowering) due to the limited space in the excavation. that is why an analytical model and specialised software were created to determine the design parameters of the device as a function of its operating phases, especially the counterweight's mass. As previously mentioned, an analytical model (physical, mathematical) with equations and applications written in Microsoft Visual Studio and Matlab was used for this purpose. it is beneficial at the design or construction changes stage. calculation results are documented in the form of numerical summaries and graphs.