Energy balance and lapse rate regimes qualitatively characterize the low, mid, and high latitudes of Earth’s modern climate. Currently we do not have a complete quantitative understanding of the spatio-temporal structure of energy balance regimes (e.g., Radiative Convective Equilibrium, RCE, and Radiative Advective Equilibrium, RAE) and their connection to lapse rate regimes (moist adiabat and surface inversion). Here we use the vertically-integrated moist static energy budget to define a nondimensional number that quantifies where and when RCE and RAE are approximately satisfied in Earth’s modern climate. We find RCE exists yearround in the tropics and in theNorthern midlatitudes during summertime. RAE exists yearround over Antarctica and in the Arctic with the exception of early summer. We show lapse rates in RCE and RAE are consistent with moist adiabatic and surface inversion lapse rates, respectively. We use idealized models (energy balance and aquaplanet) to test the following hypotheses: 1) RCE occurs during midlatitude summer for land-like (small heat capacity) surface conditions and 2) sea ice is necessary for the existence of annual-mean RAE over a polar ocean, such as the Arctic. Consistent with 1), an aquaplanet configured with a shallow mixed layer transitions to RCE in the midlatitudes during summertime whereas it does not for a deep mixed layer. Furthermore, we confirm 2) using mechanism-denial aquaplanet experiments with and without thermodynamic sea ice. Finally, we show energy balance regimes of the modern climate provide a useful guide to the vertical structure of the warming response in the annual mean, and seasonally over the tropics and the Southern high latitudes.