Low-voltage distribution grids face new challenges through the expansion of decentralized,renewable energy generation and the electrification of the heat and mobility sectors. We present amulti-agent system consisting of the energy management systems of smart buildings, a central gridcontroller, and the local controller of a transformer. It can coordinate the provision of ancillary servicesfor the local grid in a centralized way, coordinated by the central controller, and in a decentralizedway, where each building makes independent control decisions based on locally measurable data.The presented system and the different control strategies provide the foundation for a fully adaptivegrid control system we plan to implement in the future, which does not only provide resilienceagainst electricity outages but also against communication failures by appropriate switching ofstrategies. The decentralized strategy, meant to be used during communication failures, could alsobe used exclusively if communication infrastructure is generally unavailable. The strategies areevaluated in a simulated scenario designed to represent the most extreme load conditions that mightoccur in low-voltage grids in the future. In the tested scenario, they can substantially reduce voltagerange deviations, transformer temperatures, and line congestions.