Objective: Cerebral edema characterized as 4 an abnormal accumulation of interstitial fluid has not been 5 treated effectively. We propose a novel edema treatment 6 approach to drive edematous fluid out of the brain by di-7 rect current utilizing brain tissue's electroosmotic property. 8 Methods: A finite element (FE) head model is developed 9 and employed to assess the feasibility of the approach. 10 First, the capacity of the model for electric field predic-11 tion is validated against human experiments. Second, two 12 electrode configurations (S and D-montage) are designed 13 to evaluate the distribution of the electric field, electroos-14 motic flow (EOF), current density, and temperature across 15 the brain under an applied direct current. Results: The 16 S-montage is shown to induce an average EOF velocity 17 of 7e-4 mm/s underneath the anode by a voltage of 15 V, 18 and the D-montage induces a velocity of 9e-4 mm/s by a 19 voltage of 5 V. Meanwhile, the brain temperature in both 20 configurations is below 38°C, which is within the safety 21 range. Further, the magnitude of EOF is proportional to 22 the electric field, and the EOF direction follows the current 23 flow from anode to cathode. The EOF velocity in the white 24 matter is significantly higher than that in the gray matter 25 under the anode where the fluid is to be drawn out. Conclu-26 sion: The proposed electroosmosis based approach allows 27 alleviating brain edema within the critical time window by 28 direct current. Significance: The approach may be further 29 developed as a new treatment solely or as a complement to 30 existing conventional treatments of edema. 31 Index Terms-Cerebral edema, Electroosmotic flow, 32 Electric field, FE head model. 33 I. INTRODUCTION 34 C EREBRAL edema is defined as the accumulation of water 35 in extracellular and intracellular spaces, leading to high 36 morbidity and mortality [1], [2]. Among a variety of pathogenic 37 factors, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) constitute the primary 38 cause for brain swelling that could also lead to other serious