Plant diseases induced by viruses are major biotic constraints to peanut production in the tropical and subtropical countries in the World. A duplex reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (D-RT-PCR) was developed for simultaneous detection of two viruses naturally infecting peanut i.e. Tospovirus (Peanut bud necrosis virus) and Ilarvirus (Tobacco streak virus). The primers were designed against coat protein gene of both the viruses (PBNV and TSV) and RT-PCR was standardized for the detection of both viruses in a single reaction. The optimized PCR conditions showed an expected size of amplicons in duplex RT-PCR with respect to PBNV (830 bp) and TSV (600 bp). Outof the 125 samples tested from various places in Southern India, 50.4% were infected with Peanut bud necrosis virus, 35.2% with Tobacco streak virus and 14.4% with both PBNV and TSV. The viruses were detected in some samples as single infection and sometimes mixed infection. The D-RT-PCR tested here provides a simple, rapid, sensitive and convenient way for simultaneous detection of PBNV and TSV. In addition, it reduces the time and cost can be used for simultaneously detection of both the viruses.