“…They are in general conceived to be applied on samples with simple geometry: slab (Chen & Lin, 1998;Huang & Jan-Yuan, 1995;Jurkowski, Jarny, & Delaunay, 1997;Oladipo, Wichman, & Beck, 1999;Woodbury & Boohaker, 1996;Yang, 1998), cylinder (Ladevie, Fudym, & Batsale, 2000), or parallelepiped . Usually in the literature, inverse methods are applied only in simulation studies (Chen & Lin, 1998;Huang & Chin, 2000;Huang & JanYuan, 1995;Jurkowski, Jarny, & Delaunay, 1992;Kim, Kim, & Kim, 2002;Lesnic, Elliott, & Ingham, 1996;Sawaf, Ozisik, & Jarny, 1995;Woodbury & Boohaker, 1996;Yang, 1998;Yang, 1999). The few applications on real products concern bentonite/crushed rock mixtures (Engelhardt & Finsterle, 2003), fusing structures Nomenclature a, b, c, d polynomial coefficients, optimization variables a w water activity D mass diffusivity (m À2 s À1 ) C p specific heat (J kg À1 K À1 ) h heat transfer convection coefficient (W m 2 K À1 ) J criterion function (K 2 ) k mass transfer convection coefficient (s m À1 ) L w latent heat of water vaporization (J kg À1 ) m mass (kg) n normal to the surface, towards outside p water loss (kg) P vapor pressure (Pa) RH relative humidity…”