S. Ruţičić), mmileusnic@rgn.hr (M. Mileusnić), kposavec@rgn.hr (K. Posavec), znakic@rgn.hr (Z. Nakić), gdurn@rgn.hr (G. Durn), vfilipovic@agr.hr (V. Filipović).The objective of this work was to build a prognostic water flow model and potentially toxic elements (lead, cadmium, zinc) transport model in the unsaturated zone. Research was conducted in the catchment area of Kosnica regional wellfield, where the unsaturated zone is characterised by Fluvisol.Lower sorption capacities were determined in the first horizons for all three potentially toxic elements. Correlation coefficient of the measured and simulated values of tracer concentration is 0.58 for the AC horizon and 0.84 for the 2C/C1 horizon. Based on calibrated water flow and transport parameters, a prognostic water flow model and potentially toxic elements (lead, cadmium, zinc) transport model in the unsaturated zone was built. In case of an accidental spill of potentially toxic elements with concentrations of 1000 mg/L, the risk of contamination of the aquifer is present.