The behaviour of spherical Brownian particles in a near-wall shear flow is explored using Langevin simulations and experimental measurements, focusing on the effects of anisotropic hindered particle mobility and the formation of a particle depletion layer due to repulsive forces. The results are discussed in the context of particle velocity distributions obtained by near-wall image-based velocimetry. It is observed that the shear force and dispersion dominate at high Péclet number (Pe > 3), and the asymmetric shapes of particle velocity distributions are attributed to broken symmetry due to the presence of the wall. Furthermore, the excursions outside the observation depth between image acquisitions and the shear-induced slowdowns of tracer particles cause significant measurement bias for long and short inter-frame time intervals, respectively. Also impeding the measurement accuracy is the existence of a near-wall particle depletion layer that leads to an overestimation of the fluid velocity. An analytical protocol to infer the correct fluid velocity from biased measurements is presented.