Forecast of the heat and chemical budgets of lakes, rivers, and oceans requires improved predictive understanding of air‐water interfacial transfer coefficients. Here we present laboratory observations of the coherent motions that occupy the air‐water interface at wind speeds (U10) 1.1–8.9 m/s. Spatiotemporal near‐surface velocity data and interfacial renewal data are made available by a novel flow tracer method. The relative activity, velocity scales, and time scales of the various coherent interfacial motions are measured, namely for Langmuir circulations, streamwise streaks, nonbreaking wind waves, parasitic capillary waves, nonturbulent breaking wind waves, and turbulence‐generating breaking wind waves. Breaking waves exhibit a sudden jump in streamwise interfacial velocity wherein the velocity jumps up to exceed the wave celerity and destroys nearby parasitic capillary waves. Four distinct hydrodynamic regimes are found to exist between U10 = 0 and 8.9 m/s, each with a unique population balance of the various coherent motions. The velocity scales, time scales, and population balance of the different coherent motions are input to a first‐principles gas transfer model to explain the waterside transfer coefficient (kw) as well as experimental patterns of temperature and gas concentration. The model mixes concepts from surface renewal and divergence theories and requires surface divergence strength (
β), the Lagrangian residence time inside the upwelling zone (
tLu), and the total lifetime of new interface before it is downwelled (
tLT). The model's output agrees with time‐averaged measurements kw, patterns of temperature in infrared photographs, and spatial patterns of gas concentration and kw from direct numerical simulations. Several nondimensional parameters, e.g.
βtLu and
τstLT where
τs is the interfacial shear rate, determine the effectiveness of a particular type of coherent motion for affecting kw.