SummaryTMS derivatives of ethoxyJates ancl proproxyJates were separated with high resolution, on standard bore ancl 2 mm packed columns, using both UVancl FID cletection.A methyl silicone column was found to dramatically decrease retention ancl allow the elution of heavier ohgomers, compared to C18 or C8. Standard bore columns eliminated pre-column splits, ancl allowed full loop injections. Reproducibility for individual homologs was fou ncl to be 0.2 -0.3% in retention time ancl 0.85 to 1.3% in area, over 10 consecutive automated injections.The UV clara was fou ncl to be equivalent to "corrected" FID data. Switching to the UV detector at 191 nm, eliminated any neecl for a fixed restrictor. Slow ancl fast program rates were shown to provide equivalent mass distribution information.