IntroductionRadiotherapy plays an important role in the treatment of skin tumours. For skin carcinomas, external irradiation (kilovoltage X-rays or electrons according to clinical characteristics) is more preferable than interstitial brachytherapy, which is recommended for tumours of the lip and nasal vestibule. Electrons are usually used for treating superficial lesions and skin cancers, as well as in the orthovoltage radiotherapy. In order to treat mycosis fungoides, total cutaneous electron beam radiation therapy is efficient for patients with limited superficial plaques. In the treatment of classical form of Kaposi's sarcoma, radiotherapy can achieve local control, whereas it gives good palliative results in the epidemic form. New radiotherapy techniques, such as helical tomotherapy, showed increased advantages, including dose escalation to the target tumour volume and the best protection of adjacent organs at risk. The aim of this work is to accurately evaluate the efficiency and tolerance of old and new radiotherapy techniques in the treatment of different skin tumours and to review the already existing techniques.
ConclusionWith all these new treatment modalities, the modern radiotherapy technique becomes a highly adapted treatment for different tumour types, which is a part of the multidisciplinary management.