Season clearly influences oocyte competence in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis); however, changes in the oocyte molecular status in relation to season are poorly understood. This study characterizes the microRNA (miRNA) and transcriptomic profiles of oocytes (OOs) and corresponding follicular cells (FCs) from buffalo ovaries collected in the breeding (BS) and non-breeding (NBS) seasons. In the BS, cleavage and blastocyst rates are significantly higher compared to NBS. Thirteen miRNAs and two mRNAs showed differential expression (DE) in FCs between BS and NBS. DE-miRNAs target gene analysis uncovered pathways associated with transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) and circadian clock photoperiod. Oocytes cluster in function of season for their miRNA content, showing 13 DE-miRNAs between BS and NBS. Between the two seasons, 22 differentially expressed genes were also observed. Gene Ontology (GO) analysis of miRNA target genes and differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in OOs highlights pathways related to triglyceride and sterol biosynthesis and storage. Co-expression analysis of miRNAs and mRNAs revealed a positive correlation between miR-296-3p and genes related to metabolism and hormone regulation. In conclusion, season significantly affects female fertility in buffalo and impacts on oocyte transcriptomic of genes related to folliculogenesis and acquisition of oocyte competence. Water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) is an important livestock resource for both developing and developed countries. The major factor affecting buffalo farming profitability is reproductive seasonality, resulting in cycles of calving and milk production. Buffalo is a short-day breeder, with increased fertility in response to decreasing day length 1,2. This photoperiod-dependent seasonality pattern is more pronounced as distance from the equator, together with variations in the light/dark ratio, increases. In Italy, in order to satisfy market demand, out of breeding mating strategy (OBMS), consisting in interrupting sexual promiscuity or the use of artificial insemination (AI) during the breeding season (BS), is commonly utilized 2. The OBMS improves the distribution of calving throughout the year, but it reduces fertility 3. Longer post-partum anoestrus periods as well as higher incidence of embryonic mortality are observed in months with increasing daylight length and particularly in midwinter , which coincides with the transition to seasonal anoestrus at Italian latitudes 1,4. The embryonic mortality is due to inadequate luteal growth and function, resulting in reduced progesterone secretion 5. This has a negative impact on embryo growth, associated with alterations in transcriptomic and proteomic profiles of the embryos and chorioamnios/caruncles 6,7 , which ultimately impair embryo attachment to the uterine endometrium.