Cancer, a disease as intricate as it is devastating, continues to challenge the medical and scientific community [1]. Its complex nature is epitomized by the tumor microenvironment and tumor heterogeneity. As we delve deeper into the realms of cancer research, the advent of transcriptome analysis has emerged as a powerful torchbearer, illuminating our understanding of these enigmatic facets of cancer biology [2].The tumor microenvironment (TME) has emerged as a pivotal player in cancer progression, response to therapy, and overall patient prognosis. Comprising a dynamic interplay of immune cells, stromal cells, blood vessels, and extracellular matrix components, the TME creates a nurturing niche for tumor cells to thrive [3]. Transcriptome analysis now provides us with a panoramic view of the intricate dialogues between these diverse cellular constituents.By scrutinizing the RNA profiles of the TME's inhabitants, researchers are deciphering the symphony of gene expression patterns that orchestrate the fate of tumors [4]. Signaling pathways that drive immune evasion, angiogenesis, and metastasis are being exposed, offering a treasure trove of therapeutic targets. Armed with this knowledge, we are better poised to develop interventions that disrupt the supportive TME, weakening the fortress that cancer constructs.Within the heart of each tumor resides a mosaic of cellular diversity known as tumor heterogeneity. This phenomenon underpins treatment resistance, relapse, and therapeutic failures. Herein lies the challenge-treating a tumor as a monolithic entity ignores the multifaceted populations within. However, this challenge is met head-on by transcriptome analysis techniques [5].