“…TREVO has also shown a high rate of revascularization (by Corelab TICI 2a, 2b, or 3; 90%) and favorable outcome (57%) in a multicenter single arm trial of 60 patients with acute stroke (N. Wahlgren N, ISC, New Orleans, LA, 2012) and in a recent single center experience (TICI 2b or 3, 73%; good outcome, 45%). 22 Newer revascularization concepts like the use of stentbased thrombectomy devices achieve revascularization rates of 90%; however, there still remains a mismatch between revascularization and clinical outcome, particularly in cases with delay in initiation and successful revascularization with intra-arterial therapy. The Solitaire FR device is a valuable addition to the armamentarium of acute stroke intervention tools because complete thrombus removal is safely achieved in many patients within a short time.…”