Hair analysis has been mainly used to document drug use history in abusers, drug-facilitated crime cases, doping control analysis and postmortem toxicology in the fields of forensic toxicology, clinical toxicology, and doping control. Hair analysis has also gained more attention in the last 30 years in China. Relevant technology has been promoted as more research has appeared concerning hair analysis, and consensus has been sought among forensic toxicologists regarding aspects such as hair decontamination treatment, detection of abused substances in hair, segmental hair analysis and interpretation of analytical results. However, there are still some limitations in the estimation of drug intake time and frequency by segmental hair analysis due to the different growth cycles evident within a bundle of hairs, the drug incorporation mechanism and sampling errors. Microsampling and imaging mass spectrometry (iMS) technology based on a single hair may be a good choice to estimate drug intake time more accurately. Analysis of hair root samples may also be used to document acute poisoning in postmortem toxicology, and the analysis of the hair shaft can document long-term use of drugs depending on the length of the hair being evaluated.
Current application of hair analysis in China
Confirmation of drug intake and investigation of drug use historyCompared with biological samples such as blood and urine, hair analysis has the advantages of stable presence of exogenous drugs, extended detection window, and the ability to reflect longterm drug abuse history. In 1999, meperidine was detected in