Vibrational modes of molecules are fundamental properties determined by intramolecular bonding, atomic masses, and molecular geometry, and often serve as important channels for dissipation in nanoscale processes. Although single-molecule junctions have been used to manipulate electronic structure and related functional properties of molecules, electrical control of vibrational mode energies has remained elusive. Here we use simultaneous transport and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy measurements to demonstrate large, reversible, voltage-driven shifts of vibrational mode energies of C 60 molecules in gold junctions. C 60 mode energies are found to vary approximately quadratically with bias, but in a manner inconsistent with a simple vibrational Stark effect. Our theoretical model instead suggests that the mode shifts are a signature of bias-driven addition of electronic charge to the molecule. These results imply that voltage-controlled tuning of vibrational modes is a general phenomenon at metal-molecule interfaces and is a means of achieving significant shifts in vibrational energies relative to a pure Stark effect.plasmonics | nanoscale junctions | molecular electronics M echanical couplings between atoms within molecules, manifested through vibrational spectra, are critically important in many processes at the nanoscale, from energy dissipation to chemical reactions. These couplings originate from the self-consistent electronic structure and ionic positions within the molecule (1). Vibrational spectroscopy examines this bonding, and advanced time-resolved techniques (2-5) can manipulate vibrational populations. Single-molecule junctions (6, 7) also have proven to be valuable tools for examining vibrational physics. Previous work showed that vibrational frequencies may be altered in mechanical break junctions if the chemical linkage to the moving contacts is sufficient to strain bonds in the molecule (8, 9), but also showed vibrations to be unaffected when the linkage to the contacts is less robust (10). Controllably altering vibrational energies in the steady state is difficult, however. Electric fields can redistribute the molecular electron density and shift vibrational modes in the vibrational Stark effect (11), enabling spectroscopic probes of local static electric fields in charge double layers (12, 13) and biosystems (14-16). However, other physics also may be relevant, and studies of electrical tuning of molecular vibrational energies in single-or few-molecule-based solid-state junctions, which often provide clarity that is difficult to obtain from measurements of molecular ensembles, have been lacking.Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) (17, 18), in which surface plasmons enhance the Raman scattering rate for molecules, opens up the possibility of performing detailed vibrational studies at the single-molecule level. Plasmonic junctions between extended electrodes (19-25) show correlations of Raman response and conductance implying single-or few-molecule sensitivity, and enable studies of vib...