We theoretically show that a two-band system with very different masses harbors a resonant pair scattering that leads to novel pairing properties, as highlighted by the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) to Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) crossover. Most importantly, the interband pairexchange coupling induces an effective intraband attraction in each band, enhancing the superfluidity/superconductivity. The effect, a kind of Suhl-Kondo mechanism, is specifically enhanced when the second band has a heavy mass and is incipient (lying close to, but just above, the chemical potential, µ), which we call a resonant pair scattering. By elucidating the dependence of the effective interactions and gap functions on µ, we can draw an analogy between the resonant pair scattering and the Feshbach resonance.