NIE LSEN J, SANao C, WINROTH G , HALLBERG T , SKERFVINa S. System ic reactions associated with po lyisocyanate expos ure. Scand J Work En viron Health 11 (1985) 51-54. A spray-p ai nter su ffered attac ks of chills, fever, genera l malaise, dyspnea and wheezing, headache, art hralgia, and leucocytosis a few hours a fter exposure to aer osols of varnis hes contai ning two diff erent pol yisocyan at es based upon monomers of hexam eth ylene or toluene diisocyana te. Immunologic stu dies revealed an increase in the serum immunoglobulin a level, but no specific antibodies again st isocya nates conjugated to human . serum albumin. The polyi socyan at e level in the workroom air was high [a time -weighted average of 4.2 mg/rn" , correspon ding to 17 pmol NCO (isocya na te gro ups) / m' ), the toluene diisocyanate monomer level bein g much lower (a tim e-weighted averag e of 0.03 rng/m ', corresponding to 0.3 flmol NCO/ m').