The oxidation of metallothiolates is complicated by "non-innocence" or potential redox activity of sulfur to yield thiyl (RS') radicals. In some instances, the one-electron oxidation of metal thiolates yields a product with the unpaired electron nearly equally delocalized between metal and sulfur such that, a specific site of oxidation cannot be defined. We refer to these complexes as metal-stabilized thiyl radicals. This dissertation explores reversible carbon-sulfur bond formation between metal-stabilized thiyl radicals and unsaturated hydrocarbons. Oxidation of the metal thiolate precursors [Ru(DPPBT)3L Ru-l, and Re(DPPBT)3, Re-l, (DPPBT = diphenylphosphino-benzenethiolato), generates reactive species add with alkenes, alkynes, and dienes to yield metal-dithioether products. All chemically synthesized complexes were fully characterized including 31 p NMR and mass spectrometry.VI