This research aimed at evaluating Induction to teaching Program according to the opinions of novice teachers, mentors and administrators is a qualitative research carried out in the pattern of phenomenology. The data of the study were collected through semi-structured interviews with 40 novice teachers, 43 mentors and 5 school administrators. Content analysis was done in the analysis of the data. As a result of the research, it was concluded that an information meeting was held at the beginning of the training program but it was inadequate, that the mentors were not volunteers, that they were more planned and programmed compared to the teaching practice received during the undergraduate education, that it was taken more serious, that performing the induction to teaching program at the place appointed had advantages, and that there are several issues caused by the novice teacher, mentor and the process. For the continuity of the application, proposals such as reducing the number of forms filled in the process, ensuring volunteerism in mentors, supervision of the interaction between the novice teacher and mentor, performing the processes at the place to which they are appointed were developed.